Welcome to the FMCSA Portal Training Web Site
The FMCSA Portal Training is designed to provide the user with an explanation of how the FMCSA Portal operates and the individual users' responsibilities when accessing the system. FMCSA hopes this to be a powerful tool that will greatly enhance efficiency in day-to-day operations.

Whats New?
Take the FMCSA Portal Online Training Evaluation
FMCSA Portal System Configuration Requirements
FMCSA Portal User and Role Descriptions
Enforcement Users
Federal Staff
State Partners
Third Party contractors for FMCSA
Other non-MCSAP offices that have authorized access to FMCSA systems
Review Enforcement User Role Descriptions
Take Enforcement User Online Training
Company Users
Support personnel who have been granted access to view Company information, such as lawyers and insurance brokers.
Review Company User Role Descriptions
Take Company User Online Training
Return to FMCSA Portal
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• TTY: 1-800-877-8339