The following is a list of recommended training modules based on your use in the FMCSA Portal:
Enforcement Users - View Only: If you are affiliated with the FMCSA (Federal, State, or Contractor) and need access to view information for all companies that have USDOT Numbers registered with the FMCSA and want an account in the FMCSA Portal for single sign-on access to MCMIS, EMIS, A&I, L&I, DataQs, NCCDB, InfoSys, SAFER, HMPIP, and / or Query Central it is recommended for you to take the following training modules:
E1 - Introduction to the FMCSA Portal
E2 - Account Request
E4 - Home Page Overview and Navigation
E5 - Viewing and Editing Your Profile
E6 - Viewing Company Information
Enforcement Users - Assignments : If you are affiliated with the FMCSA (Federal, State, or Contractor) and need an account in the FMCSA Portal to view company information, gain FMCSA Portal for single sign-on access to MCMIS, EMIS, A&I, L&I, DataQs, NCCDB, InfoSys, SAFER, HMPIP, and / or Query Central and make Safety Audit Assignments and/or Assign Reviews, it is recommended for you to take the following training modules:
E1 - Introduction to the FMCSA Portal
E2 - Account Request
E4 - Home Page Overview and Navigation
E5 - Viewing and Editing Your Profile
E6 - Viewing Company Information
E7 - Make Assignments
E8 - Review Existing Assignments
Enforcement Administrative Users: If you are affiliated with FMCSA and will manage enforcement users within your Organization. All requests for access to the specific Organization will be sent to the appropriate Enforcement administrative user for approval.

Chief Accounts Officer and their Alternate:
E1 - Introduction to the FMCSA Portal
E2 - Account Request
E3 - Existing Account Management
E4 - Home Page Overview and Navigation
E5 - Viewing and Editing Your Profile
E6 - Viewing Company Information
E9 - Enforcement Organization Management
Organization Coordinators and their Alternate:
E1 - Introduction to the FMCSA Portal
E2 - Account Request
E3 - Existing Account Management
E4 - Home Page Overview and Navigation
E5 - Viewing and Editing Your Profile
E6 - Viewing Company Information
E9 - Enforcement Organization Management
Points of Contacts and their Alternates
E1 - Introduction to the FMCSA Portal
E2 - Account Request
E3 - Existing Account Management
E4 - Home Page Overview and Navigation
E5 - Viewing and Editing Your Profile
E6 - Viewing Company Information

Enforcement Technical End User Support
E1 - Introduction to the FMCSA Portal
E2 - Account Request
E3 - Existing Account Management
E4 - Home Page Overview and Navigation
E5 - Viewing and Editing Your Profile
E6 - Viewing Company Information
E7 - Make Assignments
E8 - Review Existing Assignments
E9 - Enforcement Organization Management
E10 - Enforcement Technical Support End User Support
Enforcement Training Lessons:
E1: Introduction to the FMCSA Portal
Overview of FMCSA Portal features for Enforcement users
in PowerPoint
E2: Account Requests
Overview of the account request process
in PowerPoint
E3: Enforcement User Account Management
How Organization Coordinators (and other administrative Enforcement users) manage user accounts, including role management, review/assign/remove user roles and approve account requests
in PowerPoint
E4: Home Page Overview and Navigation
Overview of the Enforcement Home Page
in PowerPoint
E5: Viewing and Editing Your Profile
How Enforcement users manage their own user information under My Profile
in PowerPoint
E6: Viewing Company Information
Overview of using Switch View function to access the Company home page
Overview of the Company Portal with further details available in the Company User training Documents
in PowerPoint
E7: Making Assignments
How to Make Assignments
Download in PowerPoint
E8: Review Assignments
How to search and review existing Assignment data
Download in PowerPoint
E9: Enforcement Organization Management
Overview of managing Enforcement Organizations
Download in PowerPoint
E10: Enforcement Technical End-User Support
Overview of functionality for Technical Support Users
Download in PowerPoint
E11: Indivdual Online Account Management
Indivdual Online Account Management
Download in PowerPoint
E12: View Assignments for an Individual
Overview of functionality for Safety Investigators, Safety Auditors and Portal Users to View Assignments
Download in PowerPoint
E13: Manage Company Resolutions
Overview of functionality for Enforcement Users to manage Corrective Action Plans, Extension Requests and Administrative Reviews submitted in reponse to a Failed Safety Audit or manage Corrective Action Plans and Cancel Violations due to Material Error in response to an Expedited Action.
Download in PowerPoint
E14: Reports and Queries
Overview querying for Companies who received a Warning Letter
Overview querying for Prioritized Companies for Assignment
Download in PowerPoint
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